Boyli Mia Forrestdale Depot
The new Forrestdale Depot is part of Western Power’s Depot Modernisation Program, which involves the rationalisation of premises to modernise accommodation, improve safety, and reduce overall operating costs.
SPH helped Western Power to achieve the most spatially and cost-effective solution on this 6-hectare greenfield site, while resolving several complex health & safety and programming challenges.
The completed project represents a significant operational upgrade for Western Power, bringing together people, business functions and equipment from various sites across the metropolitan area. 'Boyli Mia' accommodates:
- 900 staff who occupy 6,000 sqm of administration space;
- an additional 20,000 sqm of operations, fleet and maintenance buildings; and
- 300 truck bays and associated vehicular access.
In addition, the depot incorporates a state-of-the-art micro-grid, which harnesses solar power from all of the building roofs which is fed back into the network, thereby demonstrating Western Power’s dedication to innovation and continued technological advancements.
The electrical workshop includes high voltage testing – which required Faraday cage electrical separation – to ensure high levels of accuracy and health and safety.
Our design and delivery process required a holistic understanding of Western Power’s operative and technical requirements, and this impressive project will serve as a benchmark for years to come.

“I thought I would take this opportunity to drop you a line to thank you for your input to date on multiple Western Power projects. Whilst there has been much changing of scope on the Depot Modernisation Programme, I believe that things are gaining some more traction now. I thank you for your patience and assistance as we have worked through these changes.
More especially though, I wish to convey my thanks and appreciate for the significant effort that has been applied by SPH to the East Perth Control Centre Relocation Project. This is probably one of the most significant, high-profile projects, that Western Power has undertaken in many years, and your attention to detail has assisted us in maintaining a very tight delivery programme.
Your engagement and management of the sub-consultant team is also acknowledged. The seamless delivery of the full design portfolio has progressed most efficiently. I have enjoyed sitting in on project meetings and feeling that everyone in the room has a share in the project ownership, knows exactly where they fit in, is delivering, and is presenting in a professional and good-humoured manner.
Overall, I am delighted with the performance to date, and look forward to continuing to work with SPH on a very large pipeline of future works.”
Andrew Ling
Property Works Manager, Property and Fleet
Western Power